Thursday, November 12, 2009

Next Game Tuesday @ 7pm at Brody's

Our next game will be tuesday night at Brody's. We will start at 7pm. On a side note, Just so everyone is clear with what's going on with our league. As an incentive to keep interest for the months to come, we need to calrify our "top 3". We have decided collectively that the top 2 spots will receive automatic entries into one of the events posted. From there we will have a playoff for the third spot at the end of our league. We will play it off like last time, with the higher you finish the more chips you will start with at the final table. Everyone will qualify(with a minimum of 75% participation throughout the league), and it will give players at the bottom of the pile a shot at making the trip. The top 2 can still play in that final table(will start mid stacked), but will only be able to win that nights kitty. ie)Top 2 finish 1/2 that night, 3rd place will go as our 3rd representative. See ya soon.

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